Thursday 6 March 2014

Some Amazing Home Made Remedies of Cumin Seeds/Jeera/Jeeragam

Cumin Seed/ Jeera

Jeera water is medicated drinking water made by boiling cumin seed in water. The jeera water is popular in South India such as Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The popular Tamil saying Unave Marnthu, Marunthe Unavu ( Food is medicine and medicine is food) attaches importance of food as medicine. Elder in Tamil Nadu households claim that jeera is used as an ingredient in many home remedies. In  Kerala jeera water is a regular drink in many of the houses.

Here are list some home made remedies of cumin seed/jeera...

  • To get a definite relief from Stomach ache, take a teaspoon of fully powdered cumin seeds, sugar,dry ginger and cooking salt and mix it with a glass of warm water. Add half a spoon of lemon juice to this mixture and drink it.
  • To get rid of acidity and stop vomiting, squeeze half a lemon into half cup of cool water and add half spoon of cumin powder  with pinch of cardamom powder. mix, stir well and drink it four to five times a day. 
  • Chewing and eating cumin seeds before taking food improves the appetite. Eating cumin seeds after taking food help easy digestion.
  • Smelly loose motion can be stopped, mix cumin and coriander sees in equal proportions and soak the mixture in water for four/ five hrs. Squeeze and filter the mixture and add suger to the decoction and consume it to get the relief.  

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